Thursday, May 18, 2006

Liverpool's Triumph In The End~!!!!

i've known Liverpool before i knew bola tu bulat lagi.. mase aku start sokong Liverpool aku ingatkan bola yg diorang sepak2 tu triangle bentuknye. lepas tu, barulah aku tau bolaa tu bulat boleh bergolek2.

we won FA cup for the fifth time. we are the title holder as an England Club who won the most throphies and championships. chealse,man u or arsenal pun tak leh kejar record kitroang ni.

n yet liverpool never fails us to entertain in every final match with a dramatic n magicall winning.

Steven Gerrard u're the TERBAIKEST!!!

aku sayang Liverpool!!!

You'll never walk alone.

aku baru beli stiker kerete liverpool kat uptown shah alam. sile jeles..

i'm not perfec.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tahniah la kepada liverpool walaupon aku man united punye kipas susah mati.dan aku takkan jelouse dgn ko punye stiker kete liverpool ko tu.tehehe..
